2024, Volume 6

Geneza redactării a celei de-a Treia Părţi a Secretului de la Fátima. Îndoieli, angoase şi suferinţe ale sorei Lúcia Maria das Dores în cursul celei de-a doua jumătăţi a anului 1943 la Tuy. O controversă istorică

Álvaro Albornoz Castro, Ph.D., Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca


The Genesis of the Writing of the Third Part of the Secret of Fátima. Doubts, Anguish, and Sufferings of Sister Lúcia Maria das Dores During the Second Half of 1943 in Tuy. A Historical Controversy

This research explores the historical conditions that facilitated the redaction of the so-called third part of the Secret of Fátima, focusing on the circumstances and experiences of the main protagonist, Sister Lúcia. The drafting and concatenation of the events surrounding the famous document is due to an amalgam of historical, spiritual, and ecclesiastical factors that created a favorable context for the expression and formalization of Sister Lúcia’s messages. This paper also reveals a contradiction between the testimonies in the diary of the Carmelite convent of Coimbra and the research of Sebastião Martins dos Reis and António Maria Martins, suggesting inconsistencies in the account of events, which underlines the need for a critical and objective analysis of historical sources, highlighting the complexity of examining sources that relate to inner experiences within the discipline of religious studies in the Catholic framework.

Keywords: Fátima Apparitions; Sister Lúcia; Apparition of the Virgin Mary; Third Secret of Fátima; Private revelations.

DOI: 10.62838/amsh-2024-0022

Pages: 111-151

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