Call for papers

Acta Mariensis. Series Historia is the main publication of the history department of “Petru Maior” Faculty of Sciences and Letters, within the UMFST “George Emil Palade”, Târgu Mureş.

It continues the older publication Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Seria Historia  (2001-2018). The journal published scientific articles and book reviews of prestigious Romanian and foreign historians and researchers in the field of history and other socio-human sciences.

The Editorial Board invites all interested, either scholars or young researchers,  Ph.D. Candidates, to send their proposals, studies, and reviews, to be published in the 2024 issue of the journal.

The submitted proposals can address various topics in the field of history, regardless of the historical era.

The texts can be written either in Romanian or in international languages and must contain an English summary and five keywords. The articles submitted to the editorial board will be subject to the peer review process.

Please also consider respecting the publication rules available at:

The deadline for submitting materials is 15th September 2024.

The proposal should be sent via email at:,

The journal is indexed in:

