Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia is an open access international scientific journal of the “Petru Maior” Faculty of Sciences and Letters of “George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș which is published by the University Press.

Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia represents, in a new form, the journal Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Series Historia. The change, in tittle, was determined by the merge of two of the most prestigious Romanian universities: “Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureș and University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș. Thus, the editorial board of Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia will preserve the tradition of Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Series Historia whichwas published regularly since 2001.

The journal started its editorial activity in 2019 and it is published on a yearly basis under the coordination of an editorial board and an advisory Board which includes prominent personalities, from the University as well as from abroad, all with an acknowledged reputation in the historical field.

Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia publishes high-quality articles on various subjects related to historical research on Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary periods. Each issue includes articles based on original research ordered according to chronological and thematic criteria. They also include scientific reviews to the most recent editorial projects published by national and foreign historians.

The journal is a miscellaneous languages publication as articles are published in Romanian and in such international languages as English, French, German or Italian thus aiming to enlarge the access of the international academic community to the scientific research conducted by the Romanian historians. The journal also welcomes foreign historians to share their latest researches with the Romanian academic community. This perspective motivates the editorial staff to permanently improve the quality of the journal.

Aims and scope

Acta Marisiesis Seria Historia main objective are:

  • to disseminate, at national and international level, the scientific research of Romanian historians;
  •  to encourage the publication of the most recent results of the scientific research by foreign scholars;
  • to create a scientific media for an interdisciplinary dialogue between history and other social sciences;
  • to stimulate the scientific debates in historical writing;
  • to provide an appropriate environment for the affirmation of young researchers, such as PhD candidates.

The journal’s aims and objectives also respect the scientific strategies of the “George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș thus it is also a disseminating media for most of the scientific events organized by the Department of Sciences and Letters of the University.

Given the journal’s broad contributors and readership and increasingly transnational direction and our efforts of improving the journal’s quality, we also welcome letters to the editorial staff in response to recent articles and reviews.