2024, Volume 6
Representation of Women in Decision-Making Positions in the Community. Comparative Study
Maria Georgescu, Professor, Ph.D., George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and, Technology from Târgu Mureş
Our study allows us to have an image of the European realities on gender issues regarding women’s active role in the community, through their participation in the decision-making process in public life and in international voluntary organizations. The data series we have selected and analyzed are the most recently published by official bodies.
We found, as positive aspects, the fact that Romanian women occupy much more seats, than men, at the Supreme Court of Justice and are well represented in decision-making positions in the Public Administration. As negative aspects, the low participation of women in Romania in the bodies of political power; we even noticed an opposite trend in our country, compared to the European trend, namely the reduction of female representation in the political arena over the years. In contrast, within Rotary International volunteering, the percentage of women in District 2241, including Romania and Moldova, has gradually increased.
Keywords: women; active role; public life; decision-making positions
Pages: 187-203