2024, Volume 6
Lumea rurală şi războaiele României moderne. Preliminariile unei cercetări de istorie culturală
Gheorghe Negustor, Ph.D., Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca
The Rural World and the Wars of Modern Romania. Preliminaries of a Cultural History Research
In the modern period, or rather towards its end, there were three wars in which the army of the young Romanian state also participated. The first was the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, or the War of Independence, as it is known in the specialized literature in the Romanian space. The next conflict in which the Romanian army took part, but without being engaged in combat, was the Second Balkan War, and the third participation was the First World War. In this article, I would like to outline some research directions regarding how the Romanian rural world was related to and, especially, how these wars affected it. This approach is carried out from a cultural history perspective, a more complex approach to the subject, not only in terms of the way of seeing things, but also through the diversity of sources used. Thus, this study proposes preliminary research trajectories of this generous topic, wishing to develop it into a more elaborate approach.
Keywords: Romanian modernity; rural world; violence and war; habitat and everyday life; poverty; death.
Pages: 61-77