
2020, volume 2 REPERE ÎN EVOLUŢIA PRINCIPALELOR TIPURI DE AFACERI BANCARE ALE „ALBINEI” DIN SIBIU 1872-1946. PARTEA I. ACTIVELE Vasile Dobrescu, Professor, Honorific member of Editorial Board of Acta Marisiensis. Seria Historia Abstract The 75 years history of Albina Bank


2020, volume 2 ÎNFIINȚAREA FILIALEI DIN TÂRGU MUREȘ A BĂNCII „ALBINA” ȘI RELAȚIILE CU CENTRALA DIN SIBIU  (1919-1928) Raluca Lenarth, Economist, Ph.D., University of Oradea Abstract A close look at the minutes of the Administration Council, a governing body of


2020, volume 2 CORESPONDENȚĂ DE PE FRONTUL ROMÂNESC ÎN PRIMUL RĂZBOI MONDIAL Gheorghe Bichicean, Professor Ph.D., Nicolae Bălcescu Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania Florin Emil Mardale, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Nicolae Bălcescu Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania Abstract Letters, unusual postcards, censored,


2020, volume 2 REPERE ISTORICE DESPRE BURSA DE MĂRFURI DIN ORAȘUL GALAȚI Marcel Capris, Ph.D. Candidate, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Romania Abstract This paper represents a retrospective inquiry into Galati shipping,


2020, volume 2 VENITURILE ŞI CHELTUIELILE DOMENIULUI BRAN LA ÎNCEPUTUL SEC. AL XVI-LEA Simon Zsolt, Senior researcher third grade, PhD, “Gheorghe Şincai” Research Institute of Social and Human Sciences of the Romanian Academy, Târgu Mureş Abstract In this paper I


2020, volume 2 “BELLATOR EQUUS”. ROMAN REPUBLICAN CAVALRY TACTICS IN THE 3rd-2nd CENTURIES BC Fábián István, Lecturer, Ph.D., George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Romania Abstract One of the most interesting periods in


2021, volume 3 STUDENŢI ŞI CADRE DIDACTICE ALE UNIVERSITĂȚII DE STAT DIN CHIŞINĂU, 1946-1987: MENTALITĂȚI, VIAȚĂ COTIDIANĂ ȘI IDEOLOGIE Anda-Florina Țibuleac, Ph.D. Candidate, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș Abstract The launch of


2021, volume 3 STUDENŢI ŞI CADRE DIDACTICE ALE UNIVERSITĂȚII DE STAT DIN CHIŞINĂU, 1946-1987: MENTALITĂȚI, VIAȚĂ COTIDIANĂ ȘI IDEOLOGIE Igor Caşu, Ph.D., Lecturer, Center for Study of Totalitarian Regimes & Cold War, director, Faculty of History and Philosophy State University,


2021, volume 3 PROLETKULT  DIPLOMACY. WHAT ABOUT ROMANIA IN THE LAST MINUTES OF TSARDOM AND THE FIRST OF PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA (1945-1947) FOREIGN AFFAIRS Florin Anghel, Professor Ph.D., University “Ovidius” of Constanţa Abstract The Romanian-Bulgarian relations were assigned the


2021, volume 3 POLITICA ,,BUNULUI VECIN’’ ȘI ÎNCEPUTURILE IMPLEMENTĂRII SALE ÎN CINEMATOGRAFUL ANILOR ’30 Marius Adrian Scheianu, Ph.D Candidate, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology from Târgu Mureș Abstract Cinema, the youngest of the arts, has